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Trumpaphobia: The Compassionate Solution

American Thinker ( was kind enough to publish my article on Trumpaphobia!

Here is the article from the American Thinker Website:

March 29, 2020 (As published on

Trumpaphobia: The Compassionate Cure

While ensconced in your home, sheltering in place, here is a fine project for you or your friends. We know some who have succumbed to fears and prejudices. It is time for the enlightened to help the fearful move beyond their phobia(s). Trumpaphobia must be dealt with. Many plagued by the most intense Trumpaphobia are those who have most certainly railed against and called out other so-called phobias. So now it is time to pay it forward, to give back, to help these poor souls overcome their similar weaknesses. Just imagine, we can ask them to think, what would it be like to live fearlessly?

People with phobias, such as homophobia, are encouraged to spend time with their fearful objects nearby. For Trumpaphobia, sufferers are encouraged to express love for their phobic object. They should place life sized cut-outs of their phobia around the house so they can see it continuously. They are to be pitied by those of us who already love the object of their debilitating fear.

Studies have shown that being required to be in close proximity can desensitize the troubled ones and get them used to what they formerly feared. Jack Schafer, Ph.D. (2010) found that words do have the power to change the speaker as well as the listener. By speaking words of sincere love, they are able to change their thought patterns positively. In this case they need to hear themselves say over and over, words of positivity about Trump. In order to be healed they are encouraged to come up with their own soundbites declaring love for the object of their fears.

By speaking positive prosocial statements out loud, consistently, and in the hearing of others, healing can commence. Not only that, but people who have dark, imagined, unreasonable, and abject fears and horrors almost without exception hang out with others of similar mental defect. So the reader can clearly see that not only will these positive words break down the personal inner barriers of the speakers, but will also begin to remove the inner turmoil of other poor souls, thus bringing light to darkness. They need this in order to weather the storm of being cooped up inside for the foreseeable future, waiting for the onset of COVID-19.

There are currently around 8,000 objects of fear identified as phobias, many of which that are evangelized in the news, a few nearly daily. But Trumpaphobia seems to be especially pernicious and difficult to treat. I have succeeded, and I speak with all modesty, in being able to help several poor souls in my sphere of influence overcome their Trumpophobia, regain their sanity, and lay hold of a very real joy and peace. Studies have shown that by changing one’s way of thinking, one may indeed change their entire outlook. You can change your reality by changing the way you think. I appeal to you, sirs and madams, what would change about your day if you were to again feel peace around red hats, for example? Even before the virus war, I heard of whole groups of people staying home, becoming more fearful, at just the prospect of possibly seeing certain red hats. Supplies may be low at the grocery store, but you still may be able to find signs saying things like "Improve your vision in 2020 by supporting Trump for President". Many have shared with me, tearfully in sobbing thankfulness for healing, shedding tears of joy, that their inner peace and lack of fear has opened their eyes that they may see, to actually vote for Trump. I'd declare those people to be well on the road to full recovery.

Others may need to seek improvement by just speaking the name of Trump in a peaceful manner. The afflicted can even begin to speak truth, however haltingly, such as saying out loud true phrases such as "Trump is not a liar", or "Trump has built up our nation and other nations" or "Trump is a financial genius" or "Trump's fearlessness can become my own fearlessness". These are just a few examples. The person who is committed to self-help, and walking that narrow road to recovery, is encouraged to come up with their own sayings. What would it be like, how would your life change, to live fearlessly?

Having worked in prisons for decades, I have striven to help free the minds of those bound by negative thinking. I have learned that many are slaves to fear. Zach Williams has done excellent work helping others, also working in prisons through his art, with the song "No Longer Slaves to Fear". And since I am not stupid, I know some of you reading these words are bound by fear. I beg you please, in the name of all that is fearless, you are my people, without knowing you, I offer my love to you, as family, seek help. Seek to live strong, to live fearless.

Don't you realize what your fears have wrought? You can develop more phobias by holding tightly to one fear or phobia. You could become deranged, as many have. You could become one who practices self-harm, and be a thorn in your own side, like those who self-righteously shout "How dare you?". Choose to live without fear, eschew Trumpaphobia.

Once you have overcome this phobia, I urge you, dear reader, to move on to overcome other self-harmful phobias. It has been observed that there are gunaphobics, constitutionaphobics, national prideaphobics, and even Godaphobics. These poor people may become eternally paralyzed by their fears and deserve pity from those of us who are enlightened and imbued with inner peace. Don’t you be one of those. Instead find peace, get closer to that thing you fear.

Go and do! Go and embrace a fearless life!

Mortimer Gentry, a pseudonym, may be reached at

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